Multi-Stage Irreversible Stunning
The Humane-Aire patented technology features a multi-chamber stunning with progressive inert gas concentrations.
The benefit is two-fold. First, the birds experience a relaxing sedation that enhances welfare, bypassing the need for post-harvest staging or lairage sequencing. Harvested birds move at a consistent and continuous rate.
Secondly, the final stage produces an irreversible stun; birds are discharged to the shackle line for easier and more efficient handling. Operators no longer wrestle with struggling toms. This increases likelihood that shackling lines will be completely populated for downstream evisceration.
Humane-Aire has been installed in more turkey processing plants in the US than the next two competitors combined.
Humane-Aire was developed and proven in US turkey processing; an industry faced with high losses from damaged carcasses and high employee turnover. Today, more than 70% of the top turkey producers run Humane-Aire Controlled Atmosphere Stunning as their farm to shackle solution. Not one has elected to use a different systems, indicating 100% satisfaction with Humane-Aire.
Less trimming, virtually no breakage, hemorraging or DOA’s – results in maximum yields.
Birds are irreversibly stunned for easier handling and lower staff turnover.
The Humane-Aire patented technology features a multi-chamber stunning with progressive CO2 gas concentrations.
Load/Unload · Transport · Stunning
Live birds are collected at the farm into specially designed cages. The cages are offloaded in the production area, destacked and conveyed through a CO2 tunnel. After the cage exits the tunnel, the stunned birds slide onto on the shackling conveyor. The cage is then washed, restacked and loaded back on the truck.